Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
To learn more about the various groups at St. Tim's please click on the names below.
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) advises the pastor on the parish's day-to-day operations and the long-term vision, ensuring that the parish is faithfully implementing its mission statement. The council meets the second Thursday of each month on site at the parish. Meetings are open to the public, minutes are available if requested. Members are expected to attend these meetings as well as a meeting of a working group or committee as needed, and to welcome and encourage communication and participation from all parishioners. The term of a council member is three years. If you are interested in serving on the Parish Pastoral Council, or if you have feedback or ideas or suggestions to offer about the life of our parish, please contact Gerald Arel at 763.784.1329. For a complete job description of a PPC member, please click here.
The Finance Council provides advice on fiscal matters to the parish leaders. Each year they review and make recommendations regarding the annual budget plan. They also review the management of the cash reserves, and the parish income and expenditures compared to the current year’s budget. If you are interested in serving on this council please speak to the pastor or parish administrator.
Mission Statement:
The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is committed to assisting the parish in developing ministry to, with, by, and for youth. The committee advocates for youth by promoting and supporting meaningful opportunities for worship, formation, service, and personal growth.
The Youth Advisory Committee meets once per month, usually the first Thursday of each month, August through May. Members of the committee are both youth and adults. You do not need to have children in youth programs to be a part of the committee. New members - especially youth - are always enthusiastically welcome to join the YAC.
Contact Kristen Raaen at the parish office (763.784.1329) for more information or if you would like to join the YAC.
~Adopted 6 September 2011
St. Tim's Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a member of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. We welcome all adult women to take part in a variety of services for the parish and community.
Meetings are normally the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., with the option of praying the rosary in the chapel at 6:30. There are no meetings in June and July. Scheduled meetings can be found on the church’s website calendar and are announced in the weekly church bulletin.
CCW is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, through service to our community, both here and around the world.
Our Mission:
For more information please call the parish office at 763.784.1329, or send an email to
The Blaine/Coon Rapids Council #5141, formerly known as St. Timothy's Council, was founded May 10, 1961 through the efforts of forty-five charter Knights. The name was later changed to encompass the growing surrounding community from where it drew its membership. The Blaine/Coon Rapids Council works closely with St. Timothy's parish by providing funds for various projects in community and local area while being active participants in their parish.
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary was founded in 1967 and welcomes all Catholic women to join. Through their efforts they support the men in their events and also promote charitable programs of their own. They recently celebrated their 50th anniversary by donating a new processional cross to The Church of St. Timothy.
Join us
Knights are committed to daily prayer, weekly Mass, and building a community of faith. This is the Knights of Columbus difference: knowing that you are backed by a band of brothers in the quest to become better Catholic men. Your membership gives you access to faith-building materials that will help you draw closer to God and lead with faith. We have many events throughout the year including, monthly breakfasts for the parish, free-throw contest for the youth, Lenten fish fries, an annual fishing trip, a food booth at the September parish carnival and more.
As a Knight of Columbus you receive a wealth of resources to help you grow in your faith and become a better Catholic man, as well as access to Catholic news and first-rate financial protection. Stay informed on major developments of interest to Catholics with your monthly subscription to Columbia, the Order's flagship publication. Plan your family's financial future with valuable information and tools.
For more information contact the parish office at 763.784.1329
The St. Timothy's Men's Club was organized in 1958. Their mission is to serve the parish community and promote the spiritual, social, and general welfare of the St. Tim's. The Men's Club raises funds to assist in maintaining the parish. We meet the third Monday of the month in the at 6:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Center. We welcome all men 18 and over to join us in our mission.
The Blanketiers are a group of people who come together to make fleece tie blankets for the children of St. Timothy’s Christmas Basket Families. They meet every Wednesday from from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in Room 128/130. Each year they cut and tie more than 200 beautiful, warm blankets which are provided to those who need them. Socializing is an important part of this ministry, and we welcome new members. No experience is needed. For more information please contact the parish office at or 763.784.1329.
The St. Timothy's 500 Card Club meets the third Friday of the month from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. in Room 128 of the parish center. Everyone is welcome. Bring $1 if you wish to be eligible for prizes, and please bring your favorite treat to share.
For further information contact Vic Johnson, 763.784.1329.
Our St. Tim's quilt group is open to all levels of interest from beginners to well accomplished, appliqué quilters, to machine quilters. The quilt group makes quilts for a variety of fundraisers and organizations. Some recipients of the proceeds from the quilts have been St. Timothy’s roof fund, our annual Carnival, and Hope 4 Youth in Anoka. For over ten years the group has donated one quilt each summer to the Good Guy Open, a fundraiser for victims and family members suffering from cancer.
Learn American Sign Language through worship music - join our sign choir! We are always looking for more people to join this dynamic group, you don’t need to know sign language to get started. High school students are especially encouraged to join if they are thinking of taking ASL in school; it’s just a great introduction to ASL and it will help them in their classes. Children are also welcome but must attend with a parent.
The group meets in the music room of the parish center on Monday evenings (except in December, June, July, and August) from 6:30 to 8:00, in preparation for the programs they put on for Christmas and Easter. For more information please call the parish office at 763.784.1329.