Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
For clergy, parents, teachers and catechists, and all who give of themselves to share and teach the faith to others, we pray...
For the young people of our parish beginning a new year of faith formation this week; may they always grow in faith, hope and love, we pray...
For victims and survivors of storms, earthquakes, fires, and other destructive acts of nature, we pray...
For a greater respect and reverence for the gift of creation, that we might safeguard our environment for generations to come, we pray...
For those who struggle to provide for themselves and their loved ones, and for just compensation for honest work, we pray...
For those serving in our military, for law enforcement personnel, firefighters, first responders, and all who sacrifice to keep us free from harm, we pray...
For those who have died, for those who mourn, and for hope in the promise of eternal life, we pray...
May members of the Church have ears open to hear God, eyes open to see the needs of others, and mouths open to bear witness to God’s healing presence, we pray...
May doctors, scientists, and researchers be inspired in their work to help those living with physical or mental disabilities, we pray...
May the new school and faith formation year bring growth, learning and safety to all students, teachers, catechists, and school staff, we pray...
May those whose lives were forever changed or lost in the terror attacks twenty-three years ago on September 11 be at peace, comforted by the loving presence of God, we pray...
May those pursuing, and those already serving in political office be led by a spirit of civility and justice, always seeking what is best for all over political or financial gain, we pray...
May grandparents, on this Grandparent's Day, be treasured by their children and grandchildren as sources of wisdom and joy, and cared for as they age, we pray...
May our deceased loved ones, and all who have died, receive the reward of eternal peace and joy in heaven, we pray...
May Church leaders be strengthened and encouraged as they work to serve and unite God’s people in love, we pray...
May public officials be committed to helping the poor and the vulnerable, working for peace and justice with honesty, integrity, and kindness, we pray...
May those living in areas of war and unrest, and all who seek security and peace, find stability and welcome for themselves and their loved ones, we pray...
May those suffering the effects storms, earthquakes, floods, and other disasters know security, peace, and hope, we pray...
May those who suffer illnesses of mind, body or spirit receive skilled, tender care, and may their caregivers be inspired and rewarded in their work, we pray...
May our upcoming parish carnival be a source of fellowship, camaraderie, good will, and financial support for our parish community, we pray...
May those who mourn be comforted, and may our deceased loved ones know the reward of eternal life, we pray...
For the Church: May we heal from past mistakes and abuses as we strive to continue to work of Jesus in our world, we pray...
For the victims and survivors of this summer’s storms, fires, floods, and extreme heat, and for all who are affected by natural disaster, we pray...
For lasting peace in Ukraine and the Middle East, and in other places torn apart by war, unrest, violence and injustice, we pray...
For favorable weather conditions as gardeners, farmers and ranchers strive to provide food for the people of the world, we pray...
For married and engaged couples: May they always live in love, as Christ loves us, we pray...
For those living in need of food, shelter, medical care, and tender compassion; for generous hearts, healing hands, and listening ears, to assist them, we pray...
For those who have died, and for those whose days are filled with grief and longing, we pray...
May the Church boldly and faithfully proclaim peace and justice to the world, we pray...
May world leaders be blessed with wisdom, that they might act with integrity, honesty and collaboration as they seek the common good, we pray...
May we use wisely the gift of time, seeking to understand God’s will for us and living as God desires, we pray...
May healing come to those who suffer illness, addiction, or depression, and may they benefit from skilled, gentle caregivers and companions, we pray...
May the hungry be fed, the homeless be sheltered, and those in need provided for, we pray...
May all those affected by wildfires, storms, floods, severe heat, and other disasters remain free from harm and receive the assistance they need, we pray...
May those who have lost loved ones be comforted in their grief, we pray...
For the Church: for grace to recognize the Bread of Life as the center of our lives and for faithfulness to live as bread for the world, we pray...
For citizens and leaders of the world: for steadfast resolve to never give up on the work of peace and justice for all people, we pray...
For a safe and civil process for selecting government officials, in our nation, and in nations around the world, we pray...
For those filled with bitterness and those who struggle to be free of anger: for grace to forgive ourselves and others, we pray...
For all who hunger and thirst for food and nourishment, for those who lack shelter or protection, and for those who suffer from pain, illness, or addiction, we pray...
For those affected by severe weather and other disastrous acts of nature, we pray...
For those who have died, for those who mourn, and for hope in the promise of the resurrection, we pray...
For the Church: May our lives give witness to our faith in God and our call to be a Eucharistic people, we pray...
For our world: May efforts to foster peace and understanding lead us to a future full of hope and mutual respect, we pray...
For those in need, and for those who work to provide for them: May we work together to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and guide the lost, we pray...
For the children of our world: May they always grow in faith, hope and love, we pray...
For the sick and the suffering: May they know strength and healing through the gentle care of loved ones and healthcare providers, we pray...
For those affected by storms, fires, drought, and all disasters: May they know comfort, safety, and hope, and may rescue and emergency personnel be strengthened and protected in their work, we pray...
For those who have died, for those near death, and for all who mourn, we pray...