Grace, mercy, and peace to you!
1 Timothy 1:2
Click here to view a nine-minute video on our Church of St. Timothy YouTube channel featuring Rick Craig sharing all you need to know about high school youth group, confirmation preparation for high school youth, and opportunities high school youth to be a part of something bigger!
And click here to view a document with all parents need to know about the role of parents in youth faith formation, youth ministry, confirmation preparation, guidance on choosing a confirmation sponsor, service hours, and more.
Faith formation, or catechesis, is one component of a comprehensive youth ministry. You are invited to view our youth ministry page to see the full extent of the ministry to, with, by and for youth at St. Timothy’s.
When a young person feels ready to affirm the promises their parents made for them at baptism and to complete their initiation into full members of the Catholic Church, youth are encouraged to begin the preparation process for confirmation. Confirmation is celebrated annually every spring, generally during the Easter season. Confirmation is scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2023 at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul.
This section outlines the expectations for preparing to receive the sacrament of confirmation. Preparation for confirmation happens within the context of our high school youth ministry. Candidates are welcome to prepare to receive this sacrament during any year in high school (9th-12th grade)
Confirmation Preparation Expectations
• Weekly attendance at Mass.
• At least one year of catechesis at a high school level. This is accomplished through attendance at our weekly high school youth group meetings on Sunday nights, September-April. Enrollment in a Catholic high school would also accommodate this expectation.
• Attendance at three Sponsor-Candidate evenings.
• Service ministry
• A weekend retreat (Friday evening - Sunday afternoon)
• 3 written reflections/projects (Critical conversations/apologetics, service reflection, sponsor-candidate reflection)
• Previous reception of Baptism and Eucharist*
Parents and sponsors also play crucial roles in supporting youth in their preparation for confirmation. Details of confirmation preparation are provided at an orientation.
*People interested in becoming fully initiated in the Church who have not received both of these Sacraments may contact Rick Craig in the parish office or at for further information in preparing to complete the sacraments of initiation.
9th-12th graders participate in a weekly youth group meeting in which they learn faith experientially. Using activities, games, small group conversations, music, prayer, and social time, this style of learning fosters an energetic atmosphere and allows students to fully engage with their Catholic faith. Teens engage in guided conversations about living faith in today’s world on topics including justice and peace, morality, prayer, Bible studies, lifestyles, stewardship, leadership and current events.
High school youth group meet weekly on most Wedneday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m., September-April, at the Parish Center.
Youth Group Leadership
Small group leaders are adults who have received the sacrament of confirmation. They assist people in participating in the large group activities as well as facilitate groups of 6-8 people through a discussion-based lesson plan. Leaders make a commitment to be with their group for at least 15 weeks, the length of one topic unit. 11th-12th graders are welcome to facilitate their own groups if desired. Pre-registration is requested, but not required.
Weekend retreats
A retreat is a time to step away from the daily routines and rigors of life to give you a chance to focus on your relationships with God, others and yourself. Retreats include small group and large group activities, music, recreation time with friends, prayer and quiet time. Two or three retreats are offered annually for all 9th-12th graders on various themes. Retreats run from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon and are offered off-site at locations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. They are led by the parish youth ministry team.
Peer Ministry
Peer Ministry is ministry to, with, by and for people your age. It is to you when others are able to minister to meet your needs. It is with you when you minister to others alongside your peers. It is by you when you are able to help fill the needs of your peers. It is for you when you act on behalf of people your own age. We are all called to minister to those around us. Peer ministry has components from basic leadership to advanced supervision and evangelization. In addition to general leadership ministry, 9th graders and older are needed as service leaders and confirmed 10th graders and older are needed as group leaders for our entire middle school ministry.
Mission Trips
Mission trips offer an opportunity for high school youth to participate in week-long cross-cultural U.S.-based service every summer. Mission trips are a launching pad for participants to deepen their identity as Christians. Youth explore and experience what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ to others both on mission and after returning home.
Social Events
Social events and activities are offered throughout the year as outreach and relationship-building opportunities to grow in community. Past youth group social events have included trips to Valleyfair, ski/snowboard outings, and a fall fun excursion with a hayride and bonfire.
Living Stations of the Cross
Middle and high school youth present the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday each year. Non-speaking actors, narrators, and singers are needed. Rehearsals are typically five Sunday afternoons leading up to Easter. To view the 2022 Stations of the Cross highlighting the talents of our parish youth, please click here to view the video on our St. Tim's YouTube channel.
Teens from St. Timothy’s are welcome to participate in youth activities throughout the Archdiocese such as Archdiocesan Youth Day, local concerts, or collaborative events between churches. These activities, along with service activities, will be announced in Fusion, the monthly youth newsletter. If you have ideas or suggestions for more youth ministry connections or events, please contact Rick Craig at with your idea! Come join St. Tim's youth group and be a part of something bigger!